Valentin Lindlacher

Assistant Professor in Economics at TU Dresden

About me

    I am a Junior Professor (Assistant Professor) in Economics at the Technical University of Dresden.

    During the spring and summer semesters of 2024, I am a visiting scholar at Brown University, hosted by Stelios Michalopoulos. I am affiliated with the ifo Institute and CESifo Research Network. I hold a Ph.D. from the University of Munich (LMU). During my Ph.D., I was a Junior Economist at Prof. Oliver Falck's ifo Center for Industrial Organization and New Technologies at the ifo Institute.

    I am an applied microeconomist interested in regional economics. My main fields are economics of digitization, development economics, and political economy. I focus on the effects of digital infrastructure, such as fixed-line and mobile internet and mobile telephony. I primarily work with high spatial resolution administrative and remote sensing data.

    See my CV here.