Valentin Lindlacher

Assistant Professor in Economics at TU Dresden

Completed projects

PILLARS – Pathways to Inclusive Labour Markets (2021-2022)

    collaboration with Oliver Falck and Simon Wiederhold

    I am happy to contribute to a research project funded by the European Commission (European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Grant Agreement No 101004703).

    A systematic evaluation of current labour market policies, based training policies that allows identifying areas of success and directions to be mitigated. This will lead to proposing a coherent and cohesive policy roadmap that includes a battery of action in different policy areas to achieve Pathways to Inclusive Labour Markets.

    • Training, Automation, and Wages: Individual-Level Evidence from PIAAC (work in progress)
    • Elderly Left Behind? How Older Workers Can Participate in the Modern Labor Market (policy report)
    • Abgehängte Ältere? Wie ältere Arbeitskräfte am modernen Arbeitsmarkt teilhaben können (policy report)

    For further information see here.

The Role of Interoperability and Locations of Mobile Money Agents for Financial Inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa (2021-2023)

    collaboration with Lukasz Grzybowski and Onkokame Mothobi

    The FIT IN Initiative granted our research proposal on interoperability of digital payment systems in low- and middle-income countries with $10k.

    This project aims to investigate the role of mobile money agents and the operators they serve on financial inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa. We apply geo-coded survey data which we enrich with geographic infrastructure controls.

    • Mobile Money and Financial Inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa (publication)
    • Interoperability between Mobile Money Agents and Choice of Network Operators: The Case of Tanzania (publication)
    • How Can Phones Improve Financial Inclusion? (policy report)

    For further information see here.

Digital Infrastructure: Regional Socioeconomic Effects of Mobile Internet in Germany (2021)

    collaboration with Moritz Goldbeck

    The Bavarian Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt) is funding my research project on digital infrastructure with 56k EUR.

    This project aims to fill this gap in the literature by studying the effects of digital infrastructure expansion for mobile Internet in Germany. Overarching questions are: Is a comprehensive geographic coverage with broadband mobile Internet (4G/5G) reasonable? Can regions profit from targeted expansion of mobile Internet infrastructure? How does mobile Internet change the structure of the labor market and the professional life of employees?

    • Funkloch Deutschland? Der Ausbau der mobilen Datennetze in den letzten zehn Jahren (policy report)
    • Konnte mobile Internetinfrastruktur die regionale Konnektivitätslücke in Deutschland abmildern? (blog post)

    For further information see here.

Evaluation of the Next Generation Access Programme (2021)

    collaboration with Thomas Fackler and Oliver Falck

    In the collaboration with the consortium (Ernst & Young, WIK Consult), the ifo Institute will focus on the statistical analysis of the data.

    Empirical evidence suggests that broadband internet access has positive effects on local growth and employment and accelerates structural change. The German federal government therefore aims to ensure the comprehensive availability of Next Generation broadband technologies for all German households. Yet, there are areas in which market-driven expansion by private suppliers appears to be not profitable. For such areas, the Next Generation Access Programme is meant to incentivize the private expansion of broadband infrastructure through complementary state aid. Following the guidelines of the European Commission, the effectiveness of these measures will be evaluated in a rigorous empirical policy evaluation design.

    • Confidential policy report

    For further information see here.

Economics of Innovation in Telecommunications (2017-2020)

    Funding for the first three years of my PhD by Deutsche Telekom AG

    Deutsche Telekom has promoted for more than ten years doctoral students at the ifo Institute who study the telecommunications sector and the impacts of digitization in general. Particular attention has been given to regulatory issues in a technological quickly changing environment, research on and with “big data” and the effects of digitization. Research is primarily evidence-based/empirical.

    • Is High-Speed Internet an Infrastructure of General Interest? (publication)
    • Ist Deutschland abgeschlagen im Rennen um 5G? (policy report)
    • Digitalisierung in deutschen Unternehmen: Eine Bestandsaufnahme (policy report)

    For further information see here.